Category: Success

  • The Positivity Principle

    The Positivity Principle

    [dropcaps]P[/dropcaps]ositivity is important. If you have followed my writings through the last few years, you will see this theme littered throughout my posts. I think there is power in positivity. This isn’t always the easiest approach to take but it is definitely the most beneficial. I believe this is part of what I call the…

  • The Power of a Dream

    The Power of a Dream

    Do you ever just stop and take time for yourself to dream? Let’s face it. I’m a dreamer. I like to dream about the future and what will be. It is an important part of my daily routine. Every morning I like to spend some time dreaming. This isn’t just a daydream but a dream about…

  • Are You a Flashlight or a Laser?

    Are You a Flashlight or a Laser?

    I work with people all the time who are seeking success. Some of them want to build a business, others want to turn a hobby into a profession, and still others want to pursue a dream that seems just out of reach. In all of these cases, there are some simple adjustments that can be made…

  • And Then I Became a Penguin…

    And Then I Became a Penguin…

    Growing up I was always encouraged to use my imagination and to basically just go for things. As I have grown older, this mindset has led to the ability to dream big, be ambitions, and go for the adventure. One of these adventures came in the form of a band called the Primordial Penguins. I created…

  • Welcome to the new

    Welcome to the new

    Welcome to the new As we’ve continued to grow at, the photoblog that was once here was absorbed into the main website. At that point, there really wasn’t any reason to keep active with this site and I really wasn’t sure what I should do with it. Thankfully, I kept the URL with…