It’s time to move on to the next adventure. The one I have currently been in is ending. I found myself in it several years ago. It was something I didn’t really know if I wanted to do but it’s a good cause and I felt like I could help out. What started out as a ten-hour-a-week independent contractor gig eventually led to me being an executive that oversaw several departments and also executive producing a tv show. It was nothing I would have ever planned for my life but it was also a heck of a ride with some incredible ups and downs. I’ve worked with amazing people, have the best team a guy could ask for, and at the end of the day, I think I made a difference.
Now that ride is coming to an end and I’m looking around at what the next one will be. I have a few options, more than I probably realize, but haven’t really nailed down what I want to do next. Part of this sense of opportunity comes from the confidence I’ve built through the years as I’ve discovered the different things I’m actually quite good at. I’m also realizing that I don’t have to do the traditional 9-5 job to be effective and do something great. I am also recognizing that I know what I want to do from a bigger-picture standpoint. I want to make a positive impact on the world around me and also help those who can’t help themselves.
The latter is particularly true with kids. I have found through the years that I really love to support organizations that support kids. I’ve done this through an organization that feeds kids around the globe who wouldn’t be fed otherwise and also through Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). Both organizations are absolutely fantastic and I love them dearly.

In the coming days and weeks, I’m going to share on this blog my thoughts, feelings, plans, and actions. I don’t have a huge plan for this at this point. I do know that I will write as I feel inspired. I will share what is going on as I navigate this next adventure. I hope that together we will get to go on this new journey together in this next phase of life. I may also write about my observations and experiences with leadership as we go forward as that has been in my mind and heart a lot lately.
This post is just a starting point. I still have a few days left in my current position (and no, Daps Magic isn’t going anywhere). I don’t entirely know what they will look like. I may write about them. I may not. We will see. I’m still processing everything. I definitely will be writing about what it is like once I walk out of my office for the last time on Wednesday.
As I go on this next adventure, please join me in this new chapter. I’d love to hear any thoughts of encouragement, advice, questions, or anything else that you feel is worth sharing in the comments. I know this is a journey that shouldn’t be taken alone and all adventures are better with friends. So I preemptively thank you for joining me on this journey! Together, we’ll see where this adventure takes me and us.
Be Kind!
Mr. DAPs
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